Sunday, September 28, 2008

Clean and clear acne control kit

« ...All pimples form the same way, but they have different characteristics and shapes. They also can behave differently on different people. Acne occurs when a hair follicle becomes clogged and inflamed. This forms what's called a comedo. As the follicle continues becoming even more clogged, the comedo becomes engorged and inflamed, and forms a pimple. There are several types of acne, and each requires a different treatment....
...So what happens when these common over the counter acne products are ineffective? Usually, a trip to the dermatologist is in order but sometimes this comes with a number of caveats a well. For example, some prescription acne medicines come with a number of side effects. Anti-acne cortisone shot can make a person incredibly drowsy for days. Then, there is the HIGHLY controversial prescription Accutane which seeks to close the pores so acne does not return. This drug requires weekly blood tests to monitor the liver due to the potential for liver damage. Yes, the drug is that dangerous! Now is it clear why there is such a demand for natural acne treatments?...»
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«...Your skin can be looking better in a very short while with a few simple lifestyle changes, and if you stop expecting miracles from the latest Acne cure. Before you know it, you'll be feeling better, and have healthier looking skin....»
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tags: chemical peels for cystic acne, acne scar treatment about .com, what i healthy to eat for acne

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