Thursday, July 3, 2008

Deep cystic acne and acne control

But there is hope. While acne is not curable, it is treatable. We now know more about controlling this condition than ever before. The secret to managing acne is prevention — stopping this condition before it exhibits visual symptoms. Once you have found an acne treatment that helps you accomplish this, it's important to stick with it. Even after pimples disappear, you may need to continue treatment to keep new blemishes at bay. It's also crucial to begin treatment as soon as the first signs appear; the sooner you address your acne, the less likely you are to experience permanent damage to your skin. Of course, in order to stop acne, we must first find out how it starts.
The basic cause of acne is still unknown. It seems to be a multifactorial disease in which interaction of several factors play an important part in the pathogenesis. The primary event may be (a) obstruction of the sebaceous duct due to alteration in the pattern of keratinization within the follicle, (b) abnormal sebum production with excess quantities or altered composition or (c) increased bacterial colonization (proprionibacterium acnes and staphylococcus epidermi¬dis of pilosebaceous follicles which furnish the lipases responsible for hydrolysis of sebum triglycerides into free fatty acids. All three mechanisms may be involved. Obstruction of duct leads to forma¬tion of a comedone, the initial lesion of acne. A comedone can be located either in a closed follicle as a 'white head' consisting of lipid and keratin, or in an open follicle as 'black head' consisting of keratin and lipid with melanin deposition. The continual accumula¬tion of keratin and lipid may lead to rupture of the follicular wall and release of its contents into the surrounding dermis provoking an inflammatory tissue reaction.
One inexpensive acne scar treatment is through the help of the reliable olive oil. Olive oil is not just good for the body to fight against cholesterol; it is also used as a natural way to treat acne scars. Look for the product that says "100 percent pure olive oil." Rub it in the affected area at least two or three times everyday. Make sure that you wash your face first with mild cleansers before doing so. This works on new scars but you might also want to give it a try on your old scars.
tags: clean and clear acne advantage control kit, bad acne mineral make up coverage, acne medication salicyd acid

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