Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne scars and best treatment

« ...1. Body acne cleansers - Just because the acne is on your body instead of your face doesn't mean you should use a harsher cleanser. It's still skin we're talking about here, and it still has "feelings" so don't use anything that's too abrasive, or too drying....
...The key here is to relieve stress that you have and you will get your shining bright skin without acne back. Some of the best ways you can use to treat stress acne will be discussed here. Firstly, make sure you get 8 hours of sleep, if not more. Without an adequate amount of sleep, you tend to get more irritable and restless and in this state, you are easier to get stressed about something insignificant. Sleeping also reduces the stress built up over the day and improves the immune system of your body....»
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«...• Artemisia -- is derived from wormwood. It has a bitter taste and has been used as a worm expeller, a muscle relaxant and as a treatment of rheumatismBelladonna -- contains atropine and has been used to relive intestinal colic, relieve and treatment of peptic ulcers, an antispasmodic and sedative...»
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tags: sulfur acne wash, types of acne hard dry pimples, pediactric dermatology acne treatments

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