Saturday, September 27, 2008

Treat acne cysts during pregnancy

« ...You may be prescribed with erythromycin to treat your acne. Obviously, the effects will vary from person to person, but if it works, the results can be pretty good. However, do bear in mind that when taking any drugs, especially antibiotics, it is important to follow the instructions given....
...If you want to get rid of acne, should you choose to use home remedies or medications? Unfortunately, there is no straight forward answer. The fact is getting rid of acne is no straightforward process. What works for someone does not necessary work for another....»
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«...If you suffer from adult acne, there is no cause for alarm. Though it can be embarrassing, it is not life threatening and can be effectively treated. Do not allow this condition to stop you from achieving the things you want to achieve simply because you have lost self confidence due to your appearance. There are a whole lot of treatment available to deal with this condition. So, do not allow it to weigh you down. Get up and take action....»
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tags: acne treatment natural skin care skin care cream b, hormonal acne therapy, 10 foods that stop acne

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